5 Section Officer Recruitment in UIDAI (Delhi)

Planning Commission has notified recruitment of 5 Section Officer Recruitment in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) ,Delhi.

Last Date For Applying: 20th November 2014

Post Name: Section Officer

Vacancies: 5

Qualification & Experience: Candidate should be at analogous post in the same scale of pay (9300-34800+ Grade Pay 4800) OR have 5 years of working experience in the scale of 9300-34800+ Grade Pay 4200.

 Age Limit: Maximum 56 years.
How To Apply:  Application in prescribed format to be sent to ADG(Estt), Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Planning Commission, 2nd Floor, Tower 1, Jeevan Bharti Building, Cannaught Place, New Delhi-1.
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