International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI) has issued employment news regarding 30 SRF & JRF Vacancies in ARCI.
Total Vacancies: 30
1.Senior Research Fellow
- Qualification: 1st class M.E/M.S/ M.Tech./ equivalent.
- Stipend: Rs. 36,700/- pm.
2.Junior Research Fellowship (JRF)
- Qualification: 1st class B.E/ B.Tech /M.Sc. or equivalent.
- Stipend: Rs. 30,000/-pm (Rs. 32,800 for GATE/NET qualified)
Selection Process : On the basis of Interview.
How To Apply : Completed application in an envelop titled “Application for the post of
________________” (name of the post applied for) to be sent by ordinary post to THE DIRECTOR ARCI, Post Box No. 312, Hyderabad GPO, HYDERABAD–500001 TELANGANA, India or as attachment in word document file or PDF to be sent to email id [email protected].
Important Date:
Application Submission Last Date: 9th August 2016.