SSC (Central) Recruitment – Various Govt jobs

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Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has issued recruitment notification in employment news of this week (10th Sept 2016), inviting Online  applications for various posts in Offices under the Government of India.staff-selection-commission-ssc-logo

1. (Post Code-CR10116)

One Tube Well Attendant, O/o Central Cattle Breeding Farm, Andeshnagar, D/o Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries (UR-01)

2. (Post Code-CR10216)

Two Agriculture Assistant O/o Central Cattle Breeding Farm, Andeshnagar, D/o Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries (UR-01, OBC-01)

3. (Post Code- CR10316)

One Assistant Scientific Officer (Chemistry), O/o the Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology, D/o Higher Education, M/o Human Resource Development, New Delhi (UR-1)

4. (Post Code-CR10416)

One Copy Holder, O/o the Official Languages Wing, M/o Law and Justice, Legislative Department, New Delhi (SC-01)

5. (Post Code-CR10516)

Two Ferro Printer, O/o the Central Design Bureau (CDB), M/o Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi (UR-02)

6. (Post Code- CR10616)

Six Junior Chemist, O/o the Directorate of Marketing & Inspection, D/o Agriculture and Cooperation, Faridabad & Nagpur (UR-03, OBC-02, ST-01)

7. (Post Code-CR 10716)

One Artist Retoucher, O/o the Joint Secretary (Trg) (E/Chief Administrative Officer), M/o Defence, New Delhi (UR-01)

8. (Post Code- CR10816)

Twenty Two Junior Engineer ( Quality Assurance) i.e. JE (QA)-Gentex, O/o the Director General of Quality Assurance, M/o Defence, New Delhi (UR-11, OBC-06, SC-04, ST-01)

9. (Post Code-CR 10916)

Twenty Eight Scientific Assistant (Chemistry) O/o the Director General of Quality Assurance, M/o Defence, New Delhi (UR-14, OBC-09, SC-01, ST-04)

10. (Post Code-CR 11016)

Sixty One Scientific Assistant (Gentex) O/o the Director General of Quality Assurance, M/o Defence, New Delhi (UR-34, OBC-15, SC-08, ST-04)

11. (Post Code-CR11116)

Five Assistant Map Curator O/o Joint Secretary (Trg.) (E/Chief Administrative Officer), M/o Defence, New Delhi (UR-03, OBC-01, ST-01)

12. (Post Code-CR11216)

Two Laboratory Assistant, O/o the National Centre for Organic Farming, M/o Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, D/o Agriculture & Cooperation, New Delhi (SC-02)

13. (Post Code-CR11316)

One Workshop Superintendent, O/o the Indian Institute of Handloom Technology, M/o Textile, Chowkaghat, Varanasi, (UR-01)

14. (Post Code- CR11416)

Five Senior Research Assistant, O/o the Chief Engineer, Lower Ganga Basin Organisation CWC, M/o Water Resources, Patna (UR-03, SC-02)

15. (Post Code-CR11516)

Six Textile Desginer, O/o the Development Commissioner for Handloom, M/o Textile, New Delhi (UR-04, OBC-01, SC-01)

16. (Post Code- CR11616)

Six Technical Superintendent (Weaving), O/o the Development Commissioner for Handloom, M/o Textile, New Delhi (UR-05, OBC-01)

17. (Post Code-CR11716)

Three Technical Superintendent (Processing), O/o the Development Commissioner for Handloom, M/o Textile, New Delhi (UR-02, OBC-01)

18. (Post Code-CR11816)

One Photographer, O/o the Development Commissioner for Handloom, M/o Textile, New Delhi (UR-01)

19. (Post Code-CR11916)

Eighteen Assistant (Architectural Department), O/o the Director General, Central Public Works Department, M/o Urban Development, New Delhi (UR-09, OBC-06, SC-01, ST-02)

20. (Post Code-CR12016)

One Field Attendant, O/o the Zoological Survey of India, M/o Environment, Forests & Climate Change, New Delhi (OBC-01)

21. (Post Code-CR12116)

Two Senior Scientific Assistant (Microbiological Research), O/o the National Research Laboratory for Conservation of Cultural Property, M/o Culture, Lucknow (UR-01,ST-01)

22. (Post Code-CR12216)

One Library and Information Assistant, O/o the National Research Laboratory for Conservation of Cultural Property, M/o Culture, Lucknow (UR-01)

23. (Post Code- CR12316)

One Senior Research Assistant (Mechanical Engineering), O/o the National Sugar Institute, D/o Food & Public Distribution, Kanpur (UR-01)

24. (Post Code-CR12416)

One Medical Compounder, O/o Central Cattle Breeding Farm, Andeshnagar, D/o Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries (UR-01)

25. (Post Code-CR12516)

One Senior Technical Assistant Gr. II (Insecticide), D/o Agriculture and Co-operation, M/o Agriculture (UR-01)

26. (Post Code-CR12616)

Two Senior Technical Assistant (Sugar Technology), O/o the National Sugar Institute, M/o Consumer Affairs, D/o Food & Public Distribution, Kalyanpur, Kanpur (UR-01, OBC-01)

27. (Post Code- CR12716)

One Laboratory Attendant, O/o the National Seed Research & Training Centre, M/o Agriculture, Varanasi (UR-01)

28. (Post Code- CR12816)

One Senior Technical Assistant, O/o Directorate of Wheat Development Ghaziabad , M/o Agriculture (UR-01)

Online Application Last Date: 2nd October 2016

Detailed Notification