50 Trainee Jobs for B.SC & ITI in RRCAT-Indore (M.P)

Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT) has issued notification regarding 50 Trainee jobs for B.SC & ITI in RRCAT-Indore (M.P).

Last Date For Applying: 29th September 2014

Sr.No Post Name Vacancies Qualification
Category –1
1. Physics 8 B.Sc. Physics
2. Mechanical 7 Mechanical Engineering Diploma/ Licentiate.
3. Electronics and Instrumentation 7
4. Electrical 2
Category-2 (ST Candidates only)
5. Electronics 8 12th/ 10th with Science, Maths + ITI/ NCVT.
6. Filler 10
7. Machinist 1
8. Welder 1
9. Draftsman (Mechanical) 2
10. Draftsman (Civil) 1
11. Laboratory 3

Age Limit: From 19 to 22 years for Category 1 posts and 18 to 22 years for category 2 posts. Relaxation as per norms of Government.

How To Apply: First apply online through RRCAT link given below and then send hardcopy to Administrative Officer III,Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology P.O.: CAT Indore – 452 013 (M.P.).

Official Notification

To Apply Online: https://www.info-rrcat.ernet.in/recdev/recdev_ad_02_2014/

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