456 Supervisor (Store), D’man, Driver, Reader Posts in MES

Military Engineering Services has issued employment notification regarding 456 Supervisor (Store), Draughtsman, Driver, Reader posts.

S.No Post Name Posts
1 Asst.Draughtsman 100 2 years Certificate/ Diploma in Draftsman (Civil).
2 Supervisor Barrack & Store 78 Graduation + Diploma in Material Mgmt OR Civil/ Mechanical Engineering Diploma.
3 Civil Motor Driver 89 10th pass + Civil Driving Licence for all Govt Vehicles.
4 Chowkidar 77 10th pass and physically fit.
5 Safaiwala 43 10th pass / equivalent.
6 Chowkidar (Khansama) 35 10th + Cooking/ Catering Diploma.
7 Meter Reader 17 12th pass/ equivalent.
8 Caneman 17 10th or ITI.

How To Apply: Candidates are required to send their application to the concerned office as per the psot , as given in the detailed notification below.

Application Last Date: 28-09-2015 ( 5 October 2015 for remote areas)

Detailed Notification