25 Sr.Engineer Vacancies in Mazagon Dock Ltd

Mazagon Dock Limited which is a Government of India Enterprise has notified 25 Sr.Engineer vacancies for Ex-Navy officers.

Last Date For Applying: 27th November 2014

Name of The Post: Senior Engineer

Vacancies: 25 (UR-6, OBC-3, SC-2, ST-1)

Qualification: Master Chief Petty Officer/Chief Petty Officer/  and above in the concerned trade under Indian Navy having  12 years Post qualification experience out of which At 5 years afloat service onboard submarines.

Application Fee: Rs.300 (SC/ ST/ PWD exempted). Fee to be paid through Demand Draft in favour of “Mazagon Dock Limited”, payable at Mumbai.

For Official Notification or to apply online visit http://www.mazagondock.gov.in/newsite2010/recruitment.html