12 Scientist Jobs in CSIR-CRRI , Delhi

CSIR has notified  Delhi has notified 12 Scientist Jobs in Central Road Research Institute (CRRI), Delhi.

Last Date: 17-12-2014

Designation: Scientist

Total Posts: 12

Qualification:  PG in Civil Engg.Degree (M.E/ M.Tech) with specialization in Highway/ Transportation /Infrastructure & Disaster.

Scale of Pay: Rs.15600-39100 + Rs.5400 (G.P).

Selection Procedure: On the basis of written test/ Skill Test.

Application Fee: Rs. 100/- for General and OBC and fee is exempted for  SC/ ST/ PWD/ Women/ Regular CSIR  Employees. Fee can be paid through Draft in favour of Director, CRRI, New Delhi, payable at S.B.I, CRRI Branch, New Delhi.

Detailed Notification on http://crridom.gov.in/career