Sahitya Academi has issued recruitment alert in Page 2 of Employment News 29 – November 2016, regarding Programme Officer Jobs in Delhi.Sahitya Academy autonomous body of Ministry of Culture, Government of India and is fully funded by it, invites applications for the following posts at Head Office, New Delhi.
Post Name: Programme Officer
Vacancy: 1 (General)
Pay Scale : 15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs.5400.
Educational Qualification: P.G degree from a recognized University in a language/ literature.
Experience: 5 years experience in an academic or literary institution with the ability to organize literary activities.
Age Limit: Maximum 50 years for general candidates.
How To Apply: Completed application , self attested copies of documents to Secretary, Sahitya Akademi, Rabindra Bhavan, 35, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi-110001. Write on envelop “Application for the post of Programme Officer”.
Application Last Date: 27.11.2016