NDMC Recruitment – 35 Asst.Accounts officer

New Delhi Municipal Council has invited applications for  35 posts of Assistant Account Officer on deputation. The pay scale, endmc-logoducation qualification, eligibility criteria, etc of the post as the extant Recruitment Rules is as follows:

Post Name: Assistant Account Officer

Vacancies: 35

Qualification Required: Having passed S.O. Grade Examination conducted by Municipal Chief Auditor, MCD or equivalent; OR Pass in the SAS or equivalent examination conducted by any organized Accounts Deptt: ot Central/State Government/UTs; OR Successful completion of training in Cash, Accounts and Budget work in ISTM or equivalent; and Possessing 4 years experience in Cash, Accounts, Audit & Budget Work.

Eligibility: Officers of the Central/State Govt./UTs holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre/department, or with three years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the Pay of ₹5500-9000 (5th CPC) or equivalent in the parent cadre/department:

Pay Scale:  Rs.9300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4,8007- (6th CPC/DTL).
Tenure: For a period of 3 years extendable as per the policy of the govt in vogue.

How To Apply: Application in the given format along with the above said documents should reach this office latest by 10.10.2016. Application not sent through proper channel and or without the above said documents are liable to be rejected.

Application Format: –

1. Name in Block letter:

2. Father’s name:

3. Date of Birth (in Christian era):

4. Designation:

5. Date of appointment:

6. Cadre/Service:

7. Organization:

8. OfficeAddress:

9. ResidentialAddress:

10. Telephone No./E-mail:

11. Educational Qualification:

12. Details of Employment:

Organisation    Post held    From    To    Scale of pay with grade pay    Nature of duty

(Signature of the applicant)

The particulars of the official as filled above are true as per the office record. It is certified that official is clear from vigilance angle and that no vigilance case is either pending or being contemplated against him/her. The competent authority has approved forwarding of his/her application for the post of AAO.

Application Submission Last Date: 10.10.2016

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