Lab Technician Vacancies in ACTREC

Advanced Centre for Treatment Research and Education (ACTREC) has issued notification regarding  Lab Technician vacancies.

Post Name:Lab Technician

Vacancies: 1

Qualification: B.Sc in MLT or  B.Sc degree with DMLT.

Salary Structure:- Rs. 17000 – 25000/- Per Month

Age Limit: Maximum 30 years.

Selection Process: On the basis of Interview.

How to apply for ACTREC recruitment 2018:- Interested and Eligible Applicant may appear for walk-in-interview along with original/ attested copies all certificates and testimonials, with a time of interview.

Interview Venue:- PS- 334 (Admn Meeting Room), 3rd Floor Paymaster Shodhika, TMC- ACTREC, Sec- 22 Kharghar, Navi Mumbai- 410210.

Walk-in-Date: 23rd October 2018

Detailed Notification