95 Law Clerk Vacancies in Allahabad High Court

Allahabad High Court has issued recruitment circular inviting applications for 95 Law Clerk Vacancies for fresh law graduates in Allahabad.

Post Name: Law Clerk (Trainee)

Vacancies: 95

Qualification Required: Candidate should have completed 3 years Professional or 5 year Integrated Degree in law and should have knowledge of computer. Must have scored at least 55% in LLB.

Age Limit: Maximum 26 years .

Salary: Rs 12,500 per month

Application Fee: Rs 300/- through draft drawn in favour of Registrar General, High Court of Judicature at Allahabad.

Selection Process: It will be based on interview.

How To Apply: Application with 2 self addressed envelope (size 5”x10”) each with postage stamps of Rs. 40/- should be sent to the Registrar General, High Court of Judicature at Allahabad either by Speed Post, Registered Post with AD or through Courier.

Application Submission Last Date: 30th June 2017

Detailed Notification