Chandigarh Administration has published notification in employment news of this week, inviting applications for 207 Safaikaramchari Jobs in Chandigarh Municipal Corporation.
Post Name: Safaikaramcharies
Vacancies: 532 ( General -207, OBC -144, SC – 96, Ex-Servicemen – 69, PH – 16)
Qualification Required: Candidates must be 8th standard / middle pass .
Age Limit: From 18 to 37 years for general candidates.
Application Fee: Rs.150 for SC category and Rs. 250/- for all others in form of Demand Draft in favour of Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh payable at Chandigarh. No fee for PH candidates.
How To Apply: Completed Application in the prescribed format alongwith Self addressed envelope with postal stamp worth Rs. 25/- affixed, attested copies of certificates and 1 latest attested passport size photo along with bank draft to be sent to the office of Medical Officer of Health, 30 bays building, Municipal Corporation, Sector 17, Chandigarh-160017 so that it reaches by 11.4.2017.
Application Submission Last Date: 11.4.2017