25 Technician Jobs in Railtel Corporation of India

Railtel Corporation of India has issued notification intiving applications for 25 Technician jobs.. Candidates will be posted in kolkata (West Begal).

Name of Post: Technicians (Operation & Maintenance)

Posts:  25

Scale of Pay: Rs.20,000 + Rs. 3000 (conveyance) + allowances + EFP

Educational Qualification: –

  1.  Engineering Diploma (60% marks) in Electronics/Electrical/ IT/ Computers/ Instrumentation OR B.Sc. ( Physics / Chemistry/ Maths /Electronics/ Computers / IT) OR BCA/ MCA
  2. CCNA certificate.
  3. 3 years of post-qualification experience in the field of execution or maintenance of switches/optical fiber cable/ data network routers/ MPLS or Data Centre in IT/Telecom or service industry.  For CCNP candiates, the period of experience will be waived off.

Application Fee: Rs. 300/- (Rs. 150/- for SC/ST) through Draft in favour of ‘RailTel Corporation of India Limited’ payable at Kolkata.

How to Apply: Send completed applications to RailTel Corporation of India Limited, 16th Floor, Chatterjee International Centre Building, 33-A, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Kolkata-700071.

Last Date for Application: 29-07-2015

Detailed Notification