11 Assistant Engineer Recruitment in Railtel

Railtel Corporation of India Limited has invited applications for the recruitment of Assistant Engineers in Gujarat state on contract basis.railtel logo

Advertisement No: Notice No. RCIL/2016/P&A/44/12 – WR

Post Name: Assistant Engineers (Gujarat)

Vacancies: 11

Qualification: 3 years Diploma in Electronics/ Telecommunication/Communication/ Electrical/ Computer Science +  3 years experience in Networking/ Telecom OR MCA/B.E/B.Tech/B.Sc.(Engineering) + 1 year experience in Networking/ Telecom.

Salary: Rs.20000/- + EPF (employer’s contribution).

Application Fee: Rs. 200/- (Rs.100/- for SC/ST) through draft drawn in favour of RailTel Corporation of India Limited payable at New Delhi.

Selection Process: On the basis of written test and /or interview of short-listed candidates.

How To Apply: Application,  self-attested photos, demand draft and self-attested copies of documents to be sent to DGM (P&A), RailTel Corporation of India, Building no. 143, Sector-44, Gurgaon-122003 so as to reach on or before 31-08-2016 (18:00 hrs.).

Application Last Date: 31st August 2016

Detailed Notification