National Institute of Occupational Health (NIOH) which is a central Govt Institute has issued notification in the employment news paper regarding 10 LDC, Steno, Asst, Library, S.O, A.O Posts in Ahmedabad (Gujarat).
S. No. | Post Name |
Qualification |
Age Limit
1 | Accounts Officer |
B.Com/equivalent. Desirable: 3 months ISTM Training in Cash & Accounts / SAS pass. |
45 years
2 | Section Officer |
Any Degree. Desirable: 5 years Experience as Ministerial Staff / equivalent in Central/ State Govt./PSU. |
35 years
3 | Office Assistant |
25 years
4 | Library Information Assistant |
Degree in Library Science / Library and Information Science + 2 years experience. Desirable: Diploma in Computers. |
30 years
5 | Stenographer (English) |
12th pass with 80 w.p.m in shorthand & 40 w.p.m in typewriting . |
25 years
6 | Lower Division Clerk (LDC) |
12th pass with 30 w.p.m typing speed in English on computer. |
27 years
Application Fee: Rs. 100/- through Demand Draft drawn in favor of Director, NIOH, Ahmedabad payable at SBI Civil Hospital Branch, Ahmedabad.No fee for SC/ST/PH and Women candidates.
Selection Process: Based on Written test/ Skill test and Interview
How To Apply: Completed application to be sent To The Director, National Institute of Occupational Health, Meghani Nagar, Ahmedabad – 380 016
Application Submission Last Date: 15th July 2016