Union Public Service commission (UPSC) has issued recruitment notification for employment news 9 – 15 June 2018 , inviting applications for 71 Professor & Officer Posts.
Advt.NO. : 11/2018
1: Assistant Director
- Vacancy: 1
- Organization: Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare.
2: Livestock Officer
- Vacancy: 1
- Organization: Central Cattle Breeding Farm,Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare .
3. Senior Instructor (Naval Architecture)
- Vacancy: 1
- Organization: Central Institute of Fisheries, Nautical and Engineering Training, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare (UR-01).
4. Airworthiness Officer
- Vacancy: 41 (SC-7, ST-4, OBC-7, UR-23)
- Organization: Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Civil Aviation
5. Director (Conservation)
- Vacancy: 1
- Organization: Archaeological Survey of India, Ministry of Culture .
6. Deputy Legislative Counsel (Hindi Branch)
- Vacancy: 1-OBC
- Organization: Official Languages Wing, Legislative Department, Ministry of Law and Justice
7. Superintendent Translation (Hindi Branch),
- Vacancies: UR-2
- Organization: Official Languages Wing, Legislative Department, Ministry of Law and Justice.
8. Professor (Non-Technical)
- Vacancies: 1-SC
- Organization: Applied Mathematics, Ambedkar Institute of Advanced Communication Technologies & Research, Department of Training & Technical Education, Government of NCT of Delhi .
9. Professor (Applied Art),
- Vacancies: 3-UR
- Organization: College of Art, Department of Training & Technical Education, Government of NCT of Delhi .
10. Professor (Painting)
- Vacancies: 2-UR
- Organization: College of Art, Department of Training & Technical Education, Government of NCT of Delhi
11. Professor (Sculpture)
- Vacancies: 1-UR
- Organization: College of Art, Department of Training & Technical Education, Government of NCT of Delhi.
12. Associate Professor (Applied Art)
- Vacancies: 4-UR
- Organization: College of Art, Department of Training & Technical Education, Government of
NCT of Delhi .
13. Associate Professor (Painting)
- Vacancies: 3-UR
- Organization: College of Art, Department of Training & Technical Education, Government of
NCT of Delhi.
14.Assistant Professor (Applied Art)
- Vacancies: 5-UR
- Organization: College of Art, Department of Training & Technical Education, Government of NCT of Delhi .
15. Assistant Professor (Painting),
- Vacancies: 2 (SC-1, UR-1)
- Organization: College of Art, Department of Training & Technical Education, Government of NCT of Delhi.
16. Assistant Professor (Sculpture)
- Vacancies: 3-UR
- Organization: College of Art, Department of Training & Technical Education, Government of
NCT of Delhi .
On-Line Application Last Date: 28-06-2018
Detailed Notification on Page 5 of Employment News of 9th June 2018