7 LDC, Forester, MTS Vacancies in AFRI

Arid Forest Research Institute (AFRI), Jodhpur has issued recruitment news regarding 7 LDC, Forester, MTS .AFRI

S. No. Post Name
1 Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
2 (UR-1, SC-1)
12th pass with Typing speed of 30 wpm in English or 25 wpm in Hindi on manual Type Writer

OR Typing speed of 30 wpm in English or 25 wpm in Hindi on Computer.

2 Forester
12th pass and
Physical Standards:


(a) 25km Walk in 4 hours.
(b) Minimum Height 165 cms.
(c) Chest 84 cms. with expansion
and 79 cms. without expansion and


(d) 14km Walk in 4 hours
(e) Minimum Height150 cms.
(f) Chest Chest 79 cms. with expansion  and 74 cms. without expansion and

( 5 cms. relaxation for ST in height )
3 Forest Guard
10th Pass and Physical Standards same as of Forester.
4 Multi Tasking Staff (M.T.S)
10th pass.

Age Limit (all Posts): From 18 years to 27 years for general candidates.

Last Date:  23-10-2018

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