IAF Recruitment 2016 – 93 Group-C Posts

Indian Air Force has issued recruitment notification in the latest Employment News edition of 2nd April 2016, inviting applications for 93 Group-C Posts in IAF.

S.No Post Name Qualification Pay Scale
1 Store Superintendent Degree/Equivalent. Desirable: Experience in in handling Stores and Accounts Keeping in a store of a Concern of repute in PSU or Private Sector. Rs.5200-20200 + G.P Rs.2400
2 Lower Division Clerk (LDC) 10+2 and typing peed of 35 WPM in English Typing or 30 WPM in Hindi on Computer. Rs.5200-20200 + G.P Rs.1900
3 Civilian Motor Driver 10th pass and Valid Driving License for light and heavy vehicle with 2 years experience.
4 Cook & Mess Staff 10th pass with 6 months experience in the trade.
5 Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) 10th pass Desirable: 1 year of experience as Watchman / Lascar / Gestetner Operator / Mali. Rs.5200-20200 + G.P Rs.1800
6 Safaiwala/Safaiwali 10th pass
7 Dhobi 10th pass.Desirable: 3 years of experience as Dhobi.
8 Ayah/ Ward Sahayika Matriculation/ 10th / Equivalent. Desirable: 1 years of experience as Ayah.

Age Limit : Maximum 27 years for post 1 and for all other 25 years in case of general candidates.

Application Last Date: 1st May 2016

Detailed Notification