Indira Gandi National Tribal University (IGNTU) Anuppur (M.P) has invited applications for 82 Non-Teaching vacancies as listed in the table below.
Name of Post
Lower Division Clerk (LDC) |
11 |
Upper Division Clerk (UDC) |
2 |
Lab Assistant |
9 |
Lab Attendant |
8 |
Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) |
6 |
Technical Assistant |
6 |
Librarian |
1 |
Dy.Librarian |
1 |
Executive Engineer (Civil) |
1 |
Assistant Librarian |
3 |
Public Relation Officer |
1 |
Information Scientist |
1 |
Private Secretary (P.S) |
3 |
Asst.Engineer (Civil) |
1 |
Security Officer |
1 |
Assistant |
1 |
Personal Assistant (P.A) |
2 |
Professional Assistant |
1 |
Sr.Technical Assistant |
5 |
Sr.Technical Assistant (Computer) |
2 |
Jr.Engineer (Civil) |
1 |
Hindi Translator |
1 |
Semi-Professional Assistant |
1 |
Pharmacist |
1 |
Security Inspector |
1 |
Library Assistant |
1 |
Driver |
1 |
Cook |
3 |
Library Attendant |
2 |
Kitchen Attendant |
2 |
Hostel Attendant |
2 |
Educational Qualification: 10th/ 12th pass/ ITI / Graduation depending on the post as listed in the detailed notification given below.
Application Fee: Rs.500/- (No fee for SC/ST/PWD and Departmental candidates).
How To Apply: Application to be sent to THE DEPUTY REGISTRAR (RECRUITMENT CELL), INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL TRIBAL UNIVERSITY, AMARKANTAK, DIST.-ANUPPUR (MP) 484887 by speed /registered post only. Write on envelop “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ………. & Post Code ……….”.
Application Last Date: 30-12-2015