The Haryana School Shiksha Pariyojna Parisha (HSSPP) has published recrutiment alert regarding 6672 Computer Instructor Vacancies in Haryana
1.Computer Instructor
- Vacancies: 3336
- Qualification: Matric pass with Hindi/Sanskrit languages or 12th pass /M.A. with Hind , B.Sc. (computer Science).
- Age Limit: Not more than 42 years.
- Salary: Rs.13350/- per month.
2 .Jr.Computer Instructor
- Vacancies: 3362
- Qualification: Matric pass with Hindi/Sanskrit or 12th /B.A./M.A. with Hindi , ITI Certificate in Electrical/ Electronics/Computer, 12th pass with 1 year Computer Diplom .
- Age Limit: Not more than 42 years.
- Salary: Rs.13350/- per month.
Application Fee: Rs 1000 and bank charges extra.
Application Last Date: 08-04-2016
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