614 Clerk, Asst, Paramedical, ITI Jobs in Assam Rifles

Assam Rifles, Indian Army has issued notification in Rojgar Samachar/ Employment News 28 January 2017 – 3rd Feb 2017, inviting applications for 614 Clerk, Asst, Paramedical, ITI Jobs. Details are given below.

Group – B Govt Jobs:-

Ser No Trade Initial Rank Qualification Age Limit



1 Hindi



Naib Subedar Master’s of a recognised University in Hindi/ English with English Hindi as a compulsory/elective subject or as medium of exam at graduation level.


Master’s Degree of a recognised University in any subject other than Hindi/English with Hindi and English as compulsory/elective subject or either of the two as medium of examination and the other as a compulsory/elective subject at graduation level.


Master’s in any subject other than Hindi/ English, with Hindi /English medium and English/ Hindi as compulsory/elective subjects or as medium of exam at degree level.


Degree of a recognised University with Hindi and English as compulsory elective subjects or either of two as medium of examination and the other as compulsory/elective subject, plus a recognised diploma/certificate course in translation from Hindi to English and vice-versa or 2 years’ experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice-versa in Central/State Govt offices,PSU.

21-28 years
2 Religious Teacher Naib Subedar Degree with Madhyama in Sanskrit or Bhusan in Hindi. 18-23 years
3 Barrack & Road Naib Subedar 10th pass + Diploma in civil engineering from a recognised institution. 18-23 years
4 Staff Nurse (Female candidates only) Naib Subedar 10th / equivalent +Diploma in Nursing + working knowledge of Hindi. 18-25 years

Group – C Govt Jobs :-

Ser No Trade Initial Rank Educational Qualification Age Limit (without relaxation)
1 Clerk Havildar 12th pass with English typing speed of 35 words per minute on computer. Hindi typing with minimum speed of 30 words per minute on computer 18-25 years
2 Personal Assistant (P.A) Warrant Officer 12th pass with Dictation speed 10 minutes @ 80 wpm &
Transcription Time 50 minutes in Enalish or 65 minutes in Hindi on computer.
18-25 years
3 Electrical Fitter Signal Rifleman 10th pass with Science, Maths and English as subjects from a recognised Board. 18-23 years
4 Lineman Field Rifleman 10 th pass from a recognised Board with Industrial Training Institute certificate in electrician trade. 18-23 years
5 Radio Mechanic Warrant Officer 12th pass + 3 years diploma in Radio and Television Technology / Electronics / Telecommunications / Computer or Electrical / Mechanical Engineering / Domestic appliances . 18-23 years
6 Armourer Rifleman 10th pass from a recognised Board. 18-23 years
7 Instrument Havildar 12th pass with Industrial Training Institute certificate in instrumentation from a recognised Institute. 18-23 years
8 Electrician Motor Vehicle Rifleman 10t h class pass from a recognised Board with Industrial Training Institute certificate in Motor Mechanic. 18-23 years
9 Metalsmith Rifleman 10th class pass from a recognised Board with Industrial Training Institute certificate in metalsmith trade.. 18-23 years
10 Upholster Rifleman 10
pass from a recognised Board with Industrial Training Institute certificate in upholster trade .
18-23 years
11 Welder Rifleman 10th pass from a recognised Board with Industrial Training Institute certificate in welder trade. 18-23 years
12 Blacksmith Rifleman 10th class pass from a recognised Board. 18-23 years
13 Engineer Artificer Rifleman 10th class pass from a recognised Board + Industrial Training Institute in automobile engineering trade. 18-23 years
14 Draftsmen Rifleman 10th pass+ Industrial Training Institute certificate in draftsman trade 18-23 years
15 Electrician Rifleman 10 th pass and possess Industrial Training Institute certificate in the electrician trade. 18-23 years
16 Plumber Rifleman 10th pass + Industrial Training Institute certificate in plumber trade from a recognised Institute. 18-23 years
17 Operation



Warrant Officer 12th pass with diploma in operation theatre technician 18-23 years
18 Physio Therapist Warrant Officer 12th pass + diploma in physio therapist. 18-23 years
19 Laboratory Assistant Rifleman 10th pass with English, Maths and Scienc 18-23 years
20 Pharmacist (Both Male & Female candidates) Warrant Officer 12th / equivalent +Degree / Diploma in Pharmacy for which for period of training in 2 years followed by an internship of which the practical training shall not be less than 5 hundred hours spread over a period of not less than 3 months: provided that not less than two hundred and fifty hours are devoted to actual dispensing of prescriptions.
Must be registered under section 33 of the said Act.
20-25 years
21 Xray Assistant Havildar 12th pass + diploma in radiology from a recognised University. 18-23 years
22 Veterinary Field Assistant Warrant Officer 12th pass + 2 years diploma certificate in veterinary science + 1 year experience in Veterinary field. 21-23 years
23 Female Attendant/ Aya (Female candidates only) Rifleman 10th pass with English, Maths and Science. 18-23 years
24 Female Safai (Female candidates only) Rifleman 10 th pass from a recognised Board. 18-23 years
25 Cook Rifleman 18-23 years
26 Male Safai Rifleman 18-23 years
27 Washerman Rifleman 18-23 years
28 Barber Rifleman 18-23 years
29 Equipment & Boot Repairer Rifleman 18-23 years
30 Tailor Rifleman 18-23 years
31 Carpenter Rifleman 18-23 years

Application Fee:Rs 50/- for general & OBC males (none for female SC/ ST/ Ex-Sem), payable through SBI Challan through Power Jyoti Account No, 35015974955 at SBI, Laitkor Branch, Shillong, Code No – 13883.


Application Last Date: 20-02-2017

Detailed Notification: http://www.assamrifles.aov.in/