59 Forester Jobs in Forest Dept (Manipur)

Forest Department of Manipur has published notification in employment news dated 3rd Sept 2016, inviting application from Indian citizens for the direct recruitment under Forester’s Recruitment Rules 2001 in Forest Department, Government of Manipur .Manipur logo

Post Name: Forester

Vacancies: 59

Qualification: Candidates must have done Class 12th with Science or B.Sc. Forestry from a recognized University. Knowledge of Manipuri & Hindi is desirable.

How To Apply: Completed Application can be obtained from the office of the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Sanjenthong, Imphal, Manipur by paying Rs. 100/- in cash. After filling the form sent it to the Office of the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Sanjenthong, Imphal, Manipur-795001 (Phone No. 0385-2450165) by registered post.

Application Submission Last Date: 16.09.2016

Detailed Notification