5 Assistant Engineer Vacancies in Paradip Port Trust

Paradip Port Trust has issued notification regarding 5 Assistant Engineer vacancies.

1.Assistant Engineer (Mechanical)

  • Vacancies: 4 (Mechanical – 3, Civil -1)
  • Qualification: Engineering Diploma in Mechanical/ Automobile plus 9 years experience in a reputed organization in supervisory capacity.
  • Scale of Pay: Rs. 16400-40500/- per month.
  • Age Limit: Maximum 32 years in case of general candidates.

2.Engineer-in-Charge (Tug) (Class-II)

  • Vacancies: 1
  • Qualification: Must be having a certificate of Inland Engineers under IV act or MEO Class-IV issued by DG Shipping, Government of India or equivalent from other country recognized by DG Shipping.
    Candidates must have 5 years of experience in operation and maintenance of Tugs and Floating crafts.
  • Scale of Pay: Rs. 16400-40500/- per month.
  • Age Limit: Maximum 35 years in case of general candidates.



How To Apply:Send your application, two self-addressed envelopes acknowledgement card etc to Secretary, Paradip Port Trust, Dist-Jagatsinghpur, Odisha- 754142 should reach the office of Secretary, Paradip Port Trust by registered post.

Application Last Date:  20-01-2016

Detailed Notification