39, Asst, Nurse, Officer Vacancies in NIMHANS

National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) has published notification in employment news 3rd Sept 2016, regarding 39, Asst, Nurse, Officer Vacancies on contract basis.NIMHANS logo (90 x 90)

Post Name
1. Asst.Professor ( Clinical Psychology) 2 [1-UR,1-OBC]
2. Veterinatian 1-UR
3. Clinical Psychologist 9 [2-SC,1-ST,3-OBC,3-UR]
4. Clinical Psychologist (SCHEME-B) 3 [1-SC, 1-OBC, 1-UR]
5. Psychiatric Social Worker 9 [3-SC, 1-ST, 5-UR]
6. Psychiatric Social Worker (Addiction Medicine) 2-UR
7. Jr.Scientific Officer (Dept. of Clinical Psychology) 2 [1-UR, 1-OBC]
8. Jr.Scientific Officer (Dept. of Nl & IR) 1-UR
9. Field Information Officer 2 [1-SC, 1-UR]
10. DB Administrator & Software Engineer 1 – UR
11. Sr. Administrator (Data Centre Operations) 1 – UR
12. Staff Nurse 5 [1-SC, 1-OBC, 3-UR]
13. Office Assistant 1-UR

How To Apply: Completed application to be sent to  The Director, NIMHANS, P.B. No. 2900, Hosur Road, Bengaluru – 560 029, India, on or before 17.09.2016 upto 4.30 P.M.

Application Submission Last Date: 17.09.2016

Detailed Notification