Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) has invited applications for 23 Jr Clerk & Steno jobs in Cochin, Kerala.
- Posts: 6
- Educational Qualification: Candidate must have done SSLC and be having shorthand speed 100 wpm speed and Typewriting speed 40 wpm.
- Scale of Pay: Rs.5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400.
- Age Limit: Maximum 28 years in case of Unreserved category.
- Posts: 17
- Educational Qualification: Graduate Degree and Certificate in Typewriting 30 wpm from Board of Technical Examinations of any state Govt.
- Scale of Pay: Rs.5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900.
- Age Limit: Maximum 28 years in case of Unreserved category.
How To Apply: Completed applications to be sent to The Secretary Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) MPEDA House Panampilly Avenue Panampilly Nagar Cochin – 682036.
Last Date For Applying: 31-05-2015