Indian Railway has issued employment news regarding 147 Clerk, Typist, Ticker Examiner Jobs in Southern Railway.
Advertisement Number: P(GS)608/XII/GDCE/2016
Total Vacancies: 147
- Commercial Clerk : 16
- Ticket Examiner : 61
- Clerk-Cum-Typist : 40
Qualification: Candidates must have done 12th class or equivalent scoring at least 50% marks (in case of UR/ OBC categories, no percentage requirement for Graduates/ SC/ ST/ EXSEM). For typist posts Typing speed of 30 w.p.m. in English / 25 Hindi on Computer / Typewriter is also required.
Age Limit :Maximum 42 years for general candidates as on 1st July 2016.
Scale of Pay: Rs 5200 – 20200.
How To Apply: Send application, photocopies of relevant certificates and color passport size photo to the assistant personal officer, railway recruitment cell no 5, Dr. PV Cherian Cresent Road, behind Ethiraj college, Egmore, Chennai:- 600008 so that it reaches by 1st August 2016.
Application Submission Last Date: 1st August 2016