14 Engineer Vacancies in Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL)

Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) has invited applications for 14 Engineer vacancies in its plant located  in Machilipatnam, (Andhra Pradesh).

Post Name: Engineer

Vacancies: 14 ( Electronics – 6, Mechanical – 6, Computer – 2)

Qualification: Full time B.E / B.Tech in Electronics / Mechanical/ Computer Science scoring at least 60% ( 50% for SC/ ST/ PWD).

Experience: At least 1 year post qualification experience in design, testing and troubleshooting of analog and digital components. Also must have experience in programming micro-controllers, assembly language , C /C++.

Age Limit: Maximum 25 years for general candidates as on 01-04-2016.

Salary: Rs. 21,000/- per month.

How To Apply: Completed applications to be sent to the Deputy Manager (HR), Bharat Electronics Limited, Post Box No.26, Ravindranath Tagore Road, Machilipatnam- 521 001, Andhra Pradesh .

Application Last Date: 23rd April 2016

Detailed Notification