Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has issued notification regarding 14 Assistant Vacancies in CRRI (Delhi).
1.Assistant (General) Grade-III
- Vacancies: 14 (UR-5, OBC-2, SC- 1,PWD(VH)-1)
- Qualification: Candidates should have done 12th standard and must be having typing speed on computer 35 30 wpm in English/ Hindi.
2. Assistant (Stores& Purchase) Gr.III
- Vacancies: UR-2
- Qualification: Candidates should have done 12th standard and must be having typing speed on computer 35 30 wpm in English/ Hindi.
3.Assistant (Finance& Accounts ) Gr.III
- Vacancies: 3 (UR-2, OBC -1)
- Qualification: Candidates should have done 12th with Commerce and must be having typing speed on computer 35 30 wpm in English/ Hindi.
Application Fee: Rs. 100/- for General and OBC candidates, drawn in favour of Director, CRRI payable at New Delhi. No fee for SC/ST/ OBC /PWD candidates.
How To Apply: Completed applications to be sent to the CONTROLLER OF ADMINSTRATON, CSIR-CENTRAL ROAD RESEARCH INSTITUTE, NEW DELHI-110025. Write on envelop“APPLICATION FOR THE POSTS OF Assistant (Gen) Gr.III/ Assistant (S& P) Gr.III/ Assistant (F&A) Gr.III, ADVERTISEMENT NO.CSIR- CRRI/PC/04/LDC/2015.
Application Last Date: 26-10-2015